Open Records Request Pennsylvania’s New Right to Know Law; Act 3 of 2008, as signed by Governor Edward G. Rendell on February 14, 2008 and became effective January 1, 2009.
Pursuant to Act 3 of 2008, known as the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law, Greenwich Township has adopted procedures to implement the Open Records Act.
All Right to Know requests must be submitted in writing to the Open Records Officer, Diane Hollenbach.
Fees will be assessed for each request and prepayment will be necessary for completion where applicable. Every attempt will be made to send the information to the requesting party through the requested media.
The date of receipt will be noted on the written request by the Open Records Officer. There is a five business day period for the written request to be completed by the Open Records Officer.
To request an Open Records Request Form, download our form HERE.
To view our Open Records Ordinance click HERE.
Completed forms may be forwarded via U.S. Postal Service or dropped off at
Greenwich Township Municipal Office
775 Old Route 22
Lenhartsville, PA 19534
Office: 610-756-6707
Fax: 610-756-6099