Why do the township’s plow trucks keep hitting my mailbox when they plow snow?
Plowing snow is not an easy job, especially in the middle of a storm in the dark. The road crew has many things to watch for when plowing snow and sometimes mailboxes are hanging out too far into the road right-of-way. Often times it isn’t even the plow that does the damage, but the snow & ice that comes off of the plow. To give your mailbox the best chance of surviving another winter, we recommend that prior to each winter season you inspect your mailbox and post to make sure it isn't rotting off and is secured in place. Be assured that the drivers do not do this intentionally and certainly try their best to avoid all damage to personal property.
When will the township clean up the mess in my yard from the snowplows?
The township has the right to use the whole road "right-of-way" and is not responsible for minor damage within that area. Damage to lawn/grass is unintentional and unavoidable. Unless the damage or debris are sever, the Township is not responsible for clean up to residents' yards.
Why does the township always plow my driveway shut after I just finished shoveling it?
The road crew drivers plow the roadway in the most efficient manner possible to provide the safest driving conditions as quickly as possible. The plows deliver snow to the side of the road as long as the truck is moving. There is no way to "shut off" the flow of snow at driveway entrances. You can, however, assist in keeping your driveway clear by depositing all snow from your driveway to the left side, as you face your residence. Also, if you clear an area on the right side of the driveway along the roadway, the plow will clear itself of snow before it reaches your driveway. See diagram below.
With all the taxes I pay, why doesn’t the township pave my road more often?
Taxes can be a burden on our residents, however, the township receives very little of your tax money. The average resident pays roughly $60 a year to the township. The township also receive a percentage of the State Liquid Fuels Tax and the majority of that funding is used for road maintenance. For more information on where your tax dollars go, please see our Finance and Taxes" page.
With all the new houses around here, the township should have plenty of money.
The majority of real estate taxes goes to the School District. The township only receives an average of $60/household in real estate taxes. A residential lot with one house on it generally generates less tax revenue than the cost to educate 2 children in our schools. Simply put, for every new home with 2 or more children, it is more of a losing proposition than a profit making one.
Why does the township keep messing up my road with that oil & chip stuff, why don’t they just pave it?
Oil & chip is a very cost effective way for the township to keep the roads in good condition. Paving is very expensive, even with the township working with both Albany & Maxatawny to do the work themselves. Oil & chip seals the road and keeps it from breaking apart prolonging the life of the road.
Some tips for dealing with oil & chipping projects: