Township Office
775 Old Route 22
Lenhartsville, PA 19534
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday - 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Friday's - 7:00 a.m. to Noon
Telephone: 610-756-6707
Board of Supervisors
Dean Spohn, Chairman
Steven Diehl, Member
Victor M. Berger, Vice-Chairman
The Board of Supervisors meet at the Greenwich Township Building at 7:30 p.m. on the First Monday of each month, EXCEPT when Monday is a holiday then the meeting is moved to the first Tuesday.
Township Administrator Secretary/Treasurer
Diane Hollenbach
Agency Open Records Officer ("AORO")
Diane Hollenbach
775 Old Rt. 22, Lenhartsville PA 19534
Maintenance Department
Bobby Follweiler, Roadmaster
Victor M. Berger, Assistant Roadmaster
Glenn D. Collins
Dale Follweiler
Township Solicitor
Daniel Becker, Esq. and Colin Macfarlane
Kozloff & Stoudt
2640 Westview Drive
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Township Engineer
Michael Bingham, P.E.
Systems Design Engineering, Inc.
1032 James Drive
Leesport, PA 19533
Zoning Officer
Ryan Wessner, Code Enforcement Officer
LTL Consultants, LTD.
One Town Centre Drive
Oley, PA 19547
Building Code Enforcement Officer
Ryan Wessner, Code Enforcement Officer
LTL Consultants, LTD.
One Town Centre Drive
Oley, PA 19547
Sewage Enforcement Officer
Christopher Noll
Keystone Consulting Engineers.
2870 Emrick Blvd
Bethlehem, PA 18020
Planning Commission
Michael Stevens, Chairman
Kerry Berger, Vice Chairman
Ken Sanner, Secretary
Richard Wood
David Ryzdewski
Planning Commission Board Solicitor
Daniel Becker and Colin Macfarlane, Esq.
Kozloff & Stoudt
2640 Westview Drive
Wyomissing, PA 19610
When there are new plans submitted for review, The Planning Commission meets at the Greenwich Township Building at 7:30 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of each month. If there are no new plans to review the meeting will not be held. Please check the Home Page News Feed for PC Meeting Information.
Zoning Hearing Board
Dean Scott
Eloise Tucker, Chair
Shelby Brett
Alternate - Dodie Sable
Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor
Eugene Orlando, Jr., Esq.
2901 St. Lawrence Avenue
Reading, PA 19606
The meetings of the Zoning Hearing Board are held only after receipt of application for Variance and/or Special Exception. Kindly check the legal section of the Kutztown Patriot or Reading Eagle for times and dates of meetings of the Zoning Hearing Board.
William Mulgrew
Jackie Hollenbach
Renato Rodriguez
Tax Collector
Kay Brendlinger
81 Oswald Road
Lenhartsville, PA 19534
Earned Income Tax Collector
Berks Earned Income Tax Bureau
920 VanReed Road
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Local Services Tax (OPT) & Amusement Tax & Delinquent Per Capita Tax Collector
H. A. Berkheimer Associates
50 N. 7th Street
Bangor, PA 18018
Emergency Management Coordinator
Matt Brett
Vacancy Board Chairman
Ken Sanner
Magisterial District Judge
Judge Kim L. Bagenstose